Divorce = Marriage

How we did marriage is how we’ll do divorce.

If we were always accommodating, people pleasing, and avoiding conflict in marriage this will show up in the divorce process.

If we yelled, reacted, and fought in marriage, we will fight through the divorce process.

If we always tried to be in control of everything, that’s how we’ll do divorce.

None of these patterns serve us. They don’t create compassionate advocacy for ourselves. They don’t allow us to take care of our future selves.

It’s worth it to do the work to interrupt these thought patterns.

It only takes one person to change the trajectory of a divorce.

Your thoughts create your results. They’ve never mattered more than they do now.

I’m currently scheduling free consultations for 1:1 divorce mindset coaching. Click here to schedule.

Divorce is hard but it doesn’t need to be hell.




CEO Energy & Divorce


Collaborative Divorce