You Have Enough Energy
There’s more than enough energy, sleep, time, money to get through this moment.
Our ability to dig deep and find resources we didn’t know we had is one of the best byproducts of divorce and hard transitions.
We are invited to see what we’re made of, but many of us miss the invitation because we’re afraid that we can’t do it.
I remember 11pm after a long day, one of my kids was upset and needing me.
My brain offered me the thought “this is too much. I’m too tired.”
NOPE. Lies. I had just the right amount of resources to give in that moment. And then I got to go to bed.
This shift helped my whole body relax. It lessened the energy I needed in the moment. It allowed me to be tired and there for my child. It dropped all the resistance.
This is such a useful tool for all moms, but especially those going through divorce.
There is always enough. Always. ALWAYS.
Believing otherwise just doesn’t serve us.
If you’re going through this transition, you need 1:1 coaching support. If you want to talk about working with me, click here to set up a free consult. No matter where you are in the process, taking care of your mindset is EVERYTHING.