Drama vs. Math
Your brain is designed to create lots of complicated drama over simple things.
Why? Because it’s trying to keep you safe.
You can’t “override” the desire to be safe. When you try to force it, you quit because it is impossible. The first step is ALWAYS acknowledging where you are with great compassion and acceptance. Make it RADICAL. “It makes sense that I’m here. I am safe to honor all the feelings of being here.”
THEN you can look at the simple math. You are currently HERE. You desire to be THERE. You likely already know what steps get you from HERE to THERE. (or at least have a guess)
Now all you need is consistent action fueled by safety, compassion, and patience. One small step at a time. One boring day after another.
It’s not sexy or glamorous, but it’s effective as hell when life gets busy, messy, and stressful.
When you know how show up for what you want MOST when what your brain wants NOW is to hide and quit, you get what you want.
Ready to learn how to show up consistently even when mom life is stressful? Click here to pick a time for a free consultation.