I Love Divorce

I really love divorce. It so hard it’s good. It shows us what we’re made of. It asks us to dig deep and find the bottomless reserves of strength and grit. We didn’t realize we could do something so hard before we had to do it.

It’s like ultra-marathoners. They love running 50+ miles through the desert. Why??? Because it’s so freaking hard it’s good. People have sought out hard things for growth, empowerment, and accomplishment for the history of the human race.

Divorce is another hard thing. And whether we chose it or it chose us doesn’t really matter. We’re invited into an elite club of women who can do incredibly hard things and then live to pass on the wisdom we collected in the experience.

The opposite of love is fear. Or is it indifference? Neither describes how we want to feel about this process or how want to show up in it. Ultra marathoners don’t conquer the race by being afraid or indifferent. They lean in and love the hard because of who they’re becoming in the process.

We are in our becoming, and yes it’s hard. But so what? Let’s go.



P.S. I can help you harness your inner CEO and show up like a boss during your divorce. Click here to get started.


A “Self” Centered Divorce


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