Moving Foward

I love my dog.  She’s always moving forward.  She doesn’t ever look back or wring her hands (paws lol) or agonize over what she wants to or should do.  She just goes forwards.

There is no regret or worry.  She doesn’t say “oh man, I wish I hadn’t come inside. I would rather be outside.”  She simply enjoys being inside.  She does all the fun inside things.

She might ask to go back outside, but it’s always from excitement and never from regret or self-judgment.

Moms have a lot to learn from dogs.  What’s the use of looking back at yesterday, last year, or five minutes ago and regretting our choices?  What are we missing while we focus on the past?

It never serves us to look back with self-judgment and regret.  It never serves us to wring our hands and agonize over choices in front of us.  It never serves us to worry about what’s outside of our control.

But we are conditioned to do these things.  So we do it believing that it will HELP us be the best moms we can be.

I want to invite you to release just ONE worry, regret, self-judgment today.  Go outside and release it into the breeze.  Tell yourself you are no longer available for that and move forward into your day.



P.S. If you feel like stress is running your life and you would like to run it instead, click here to connect with me and explore working together.


Reality or Possibility


Self-Care Is Not The Solution