What’s Fair
What’s fair emotionally is not what’s fair legally in a divorce.
Trying to find emotional wholeness by fighting over finances is a bottomless pit of despair.
Forget fairness. It's a zero sum game where someone loses. It's unfair to yourself to fight over this very subjective notion.
True fairness is setting yourself free from keeping score and setting the record straight.
You create the best possible outcome in your divorce by focusing on what your priorities are and taking action to make them a reality.
The best, fastest, most empowering way to make this happen is to keep the emotional work separate from the legal transaction.
This is what we do when we coach together - we set that boundary and get to work on building a CEO mindset that makes divorce easier and your future much more exciting.
I will hold your hand every step of the way, help you make clean decisions, and process the emotional stuff so it doesn't cost you financially.
Click here to set up a free consultation.