Falling Apart

Moms spend a lot of time trying to control for all the variables. We end up with a lot of plates spinning. Makes sense that at some point, the plates are going to start crashing down.

Falling apart may feel scary, but I invite you to see it as an opportunity.

The pain, stress, anxiety, worry that come when things fall apart will still be there.

AND so is the opportunity to put the pieces back together any. way. you. want.

You get to decide whether to spin plates. Or not. How many. When. How fast.

Some times it takes the crash to see that you have the power to rearrange the pieces.

My wish for you is that you create your own mosaic of pieces that is uniquely you. Not what society tells you to do, not what your mother did, not what your kids want….but just more you.

Of course, you can rearrange the pieces any time. You don’t need to fall apart first.

If you’re tired of feeling stressed and are ready to rearrange some pieces, click here to schedule your first free call.




Two Types of Stress…


What You Do Doesn’t Matter…