Two Types of Stress…

There’s stress over things you can’t control, which isn’t serving you even a little.

Then there is stress over things that you can change but aren’t changing.

I can help you let go of the first kind.

I can also help you get OUT of the stress cycle keeping you stuck in the second kind.  The stress is preventing you from making a clear decision, simple change, easy shift.

You’ll say things like, “oh well, I never thought of that before” and “huh, that was simple.” 

These are things my clients say to me every week.  It’s simple and obvious once you’ve unpacked it, but when you’re stressed about something the solution is NEVER obvious.

I’m a Life Coach for smart moms who love getting stuff done but are tired of feeling stressed while they do it.  Ready to unpack your stress?  Set up your free consult by clicking here. See you soon!




Boredom With Your Evening Chores


Falling Apart