“I’m Ok”

One your biggest challenges is connecting with how you’re really feeling.  

Someone asks you how you are doing you say,  “I’m fine. I’m ok.” 

“I’m fine” and “I’m ok” are two of the biggest flags to look for.

What you likely mean is “I’m doing ok but I should be doing better or not struggling so much with the things that I struggle with.”   

This is hard to spot because your brain believes it is just observing that you need to cope better, do better, be better with your reality and you would be fine.

Here are some clues that suggest you might have something like this going on:

  • quality of sleep, length of time to get to sleep, night wakings

  • quality of nutrition, emotional eating

  • inflammation/physical health

  • primary mood

  • ability to handle kid chaos (yelling, snapping, ect.)

  • energy levels mid-afternoon

  • balance of restorative rest/down time and work

The feedback your body and your actions give you are IMPORTANT.  You may think “I’m ok. I’m fine.”  But if these things are off more than they are on, you’re living IN a stress cycle you’re not recognizing.

Over time this takes its tole on YOU and your quality of life.  It trickles into your family and relationship.

When you tend to your well being, you are better able to tend to the well beings of others.  

 I can help you turn all of this around and FEEL BETTER NOW.  You do not need to wait until your kids are older, you lose weight, you change jobs, you go back to work.  

You do not need to wait until you feel better to take care of yourself.  That is a thought error that’s keeping you stuck.

You’re ready. I’m ready. Let’s go.  Click here to learn more.




Birthday Parties


After Post-Partum